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Journey of Courses

Annotated Transcript

This page contains a transcript of the courses I've taken in my Master's of Educational Technology (MAET) Program.  Each course is listed along with a brief description of major takeaways from the course.  Examples of my course work can be found on my MAET Showcase page.

Note: The CEP course designator refers to Counseling, Educational Psychology, & Special Education.

Annotated Transcript: Text

Teaching Understanding with Technology

Kim Powell

Fall 2018

This initial course for the program laid several foundational concepts that were built on in later courses.  The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework helped me to see the connection between technology, pedagogy, and content.  I learned about my professional learning network and how an expanded network can help me accomplish new tasks.  Throughout the course, I was able to learn about new technologies to use in my teaching.


Adapting Innovative Technology to Education

Janine Campbell

Fall 2018

We are all makers with the ability to create.  The Maker Movement was the central theme of this course where I took on the role of a maker and explored new technologies to create.  I created several projects including an interactive touch-responsive map and my redesigned dream classroom.  The research surrounding Project Based Learning (PBL) was explored, inspiring me to improve my current PBL lessons and to incorporate more maker opportunities for my students.


Applying Educational Technology to Practice

Nicole Zumpano

Spring 2019

This course focused on questions.  Warren Berger’s book “A More Beautiful Question” was the required reading which focused on the importance of questioning.  I’ve never thought so much about the importance of questioning until this course.  I was asked to compile a list of questions and narrow the list down to my one Wicked Problem.  My Wicked Problem was on how much student choice should be in the classroom.  I created a presentation to address this Wicked Problem and included steps that could be taken to help solve it.

Annotated Transcript: Skills

Teaching Students Online

Dr. Anne Heintz

Spring 2019

This course allowed me to explore various online learning management systems (LMS) that exist for teaching.  I chose Canvas as my LMS and created a realistic course using and the features of Canvas.  This experience was extremely valuable as it simulated what it was like to teach in an online environment.  I learned the value of Screencastify and how helpful it is to post videos of myself explaining assignments and how to use the module for students to use as a resource.


Learning in Schools and Other Settings

Dr. Missy Cobsy and Dave Goodrich

Summer 2019

In this course I learned about the major educational theories by exploring various classroom setups and how learning and communication changes with each setup.  I was exposed to various learning settings including maker spaces and a virtual reality lab.  A major takeaway was a live study performed with younger children.  I was able to confirm with the study that Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development held true with my test subjects.


Technology and Leadership

Dr. Missy Cobsy and Dave Goodrich

Summer 2019

My favorite learning from this course was when I took on the role of a technology integration specialist and assisted a first year MAET student with lesson plan creation.  It was eye opening to be in this role working with a teacher in a subject area I was new to.  I was able to see how technology can connect across subject areas.  I also created a video on the importance of incorporating service learning into schools as it helps students become better citizens and improves leadership skills.

Annotated Transcript: Skills

Approaches to Educational Research

Dr. Missy Cobsy and Dave Goodrich 

Summer 2019

Daniel Willingham's book "When Can You Trust the Experts?" was a central theme of this course.  I found myself questioning every source as I wrote a research paper on the benefits and challenges of team teaching at the middle level.  I learned how "research based" may not be very reliable, and it's important to use articles that are "peer reviewed."  I shared the major findings of my research with my peers in the form of a presentation.


Electronic Assessment

Alison Keller and Chris Sloan

Summer 2020

My beliefs on assessment were challenged and grew throughout this course.  A major takeaway from this course was a checklist I created to help determine the value of an assessment.  This checklist is backed by research and I can use it when I create new assessments or determine the validity of old ones.  I also created and evaluated assessments throughout the course using online technologies.


Capstone Educational Technology

Dr. Matthew Koehler and Aric Gaunt

Summer 2020

This capstone course was the final course in my program.  It allowed me to create this website as a showcase of my skills, abilities, and personal reflections.  A major takeaway from this course was my increased confidence in website creation and a new inspiration for peer evaluation.  I used the website FlipGrid to gain and share feedback with my peers and plan to implement this website into classroom activities for my students.

Annotated Transcript: Skills

Image Attribution Spartan Helmet:

Annotated Transcript: Text
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