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MAET Showcase

One of the things I really enjoyed about my Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program was the ability to tailor assignments to my interests.  This page is divided into three categories: Middle Level Philosophy, Technology & Teaching, and Pedagogical Beliefs.  Each section showcases my beliefs and abilities through the lens of several of my completed MAET works.

MAET Showcase: Text

Middle School Philosophy

My courses taken during my Middle Level Education program at Central Michigan University have instilled within me certain teaching practices to use with young adolescents.  These artifacts support my views on middle level education.

Teaming Research Paper

Thanks to my team teaching experiences, I am a better team player and teacher.  This paper is a compilation of my research on teaming and discusses the benefits and challenges of team teaching in middle schools.

Service Learning Video

I created this video in order to show the importance of service learning.  I believe service learning can have a powerful impact on middle school students.  I also share what service learning looks like and how technology can be used.

Dream Classroom

Take a tour of my dream classroom that I designed from scratch.  While this design would be virtually impossible to create due to its cost, I have l come to learn that our teaching spaces are not always adequate for proper learning.  This design includes a traditional learning space, in addition to technology area, collaborative breakout rooms, and more.

MAET Showcase: Projects

Teaching and Technology

Technology should be used to enhance teaching and the student experience.  These artifacts demonstrate my commitment to use technology to better my craft and the experience of students in my classroom.

Online Teaching

I used Canvas to create this online course module on Westward Expansion.  This video is the introduction to my course.  Thanks to this experience I was more prepared to engage my students with distance learning during Covid-19 and assist my teaching peers with online teaching.

Homemade Interactive Map

For this creation, I used a Makey Makey, a puzzle, and some nails to create an interactive talking map on the American Colonies.  I used Scratch to program the code used to make the map interactive.  This experience has shown me the versatility of a tool like a Makey Makey and since then I have secured several to use in my Design & Technology class.

ELL Assistive Technology Review

There are many types of assistive technologies for students in the classroom.  I have evaluated a literacy program called Read&Write.  In this video, I discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the program.  I have seen this program not only assist English Language Learners, but also the general student population.

MAET Showcase: Projects

Pedagogical Beliefs

These artifacts support my core beliefs of education.  Good teaching should incorporate student choice and creativity.  When assessing students teachers must use a variety of assessments and ensure that assessments show student understanding.

Assessment Design Checklist

All assessments are not created equal.  I created this checklist, based on research from several cited sources, to help determine the quality of an assessment.  Not every assessment will "pass the test," however I believe ones that do are worthy of consideration.  I have learned there are many things to consider when creating an assessment, such as backward design, feedback, and the importance of assessing understanding over knowledge.

Student Choice

I've compiled research on the topic of student choice, including a survey of my teaching peers in the form of a presentation using Microsoft Sway.  I conclude with suggestions on facilitating student choice in any teacher's classroom.  Student choice is something I am continually trying to incorporate into my lessons.

Maker Education

The Maker Movement in education allows for students to create, collaborate, design, and more.  This infographic contains the top five reasons why I support Maker Education.  This experience has shown me how widespread and adaptable the Maker Education is.

MAET Showcase: Projects

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MAET Showcase: Text
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